To: SEAC brothers and sisters
From: Mydur Xiong
As I reflect on this past year, I am moved
at how faithful and constant the character of God is in the midst of such
shifting circumstances.
Many times in my past ministry experience,
I kept wondering whether or not I was where I needed to be. I kept running into
disappointments, failures, and unmet expectations. In fact, I underwent
depression more than I had ever imagined. Yet, through that depression, He drew
me back to Himself and helped me to realize that no matter how difficult our
circumstances may be, it played a small yet crucial role in His overall plan
for me. If I hadn’t gone to Thailand, I would not have received the privilege
of traveling throughout the U.S. and visiting my sister churches. I would not
have had to privilege of meeting people who had the same burden as I did to see
the minority church grow to embrace the beauty of the Gospel and to see it
transform lives. I would have been unable to see the great need we have in
truly renovating our practices to be more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient,
kind, good, faithful, and disciplined (Gal. 5:22). It was truly God’s grace
alone that opened up my eyes to see the necessity for reformation.
In every season of our lives, God has a
purpose for us. He doesn’t play games nor does He want us to be confused about
His plans for us. Instead, He always calls us back to trusting in Him, committing
our ways to Him, and putting our faith into action. Then and only then can we
truly receive the desires of our hearts (Ps. 37:4-5) and move into the full
purpose He has for us (John 10:10).
Perhaps you are going through something
difficult right now. That’s ok. He wants to be your Comforter (John 14:18). Or
maybe you had just gone through one of the most devastating experiences in your
life this year. It will be alright because He desires to be your Healer (Psalm
103:3). Or possibly, you are attempting to change a lot of practices through
your ministry. Don’t worry. He is our Advocate (1 John 2:1). He will go before
you and prepare the way.
Just as God was with us this past year, He
will be “with us” (“Emmanuel”) for this new and coming year. We can be assured
that His presence will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5; Deuteronomy
31:6). His mercies and grace are renewed for us each and every day so that by
the end of it all, we can reflect on His absolute goodness:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are
not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great
is Your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).
My prayer for all of us is to increasingly
uphold and honor God in the attitude of our hearts and to live out this
radical, righteous faith we have in Christ. To Him alone be the power, honor,
and glory forever. Amen.
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