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Showing posts from October 7, 2012


SEALS 2012 was.... generated by For all who attended SEALS 2012, and to the ones that were not able to attend.  These are the words that influence us today as we have departed one another.  With these words we become a living testimony by Truth Is, and by Spoken Word. For those who have returned home to an avalanche of reality, be courageous.  Our fear is not about our doubt, its about our futility, the feeling of being useless or ineffective.  It's healthy to be doubtful, sad, mournful, heavy-hearted, in pain, broken, stressed; these are feelings that the Father created, emotions that He also feels. He also created compassion, joy, empathy, redemption, surrender so that we would rely on Him as a source. This words collaged above represent how attendees felt leaving SEALS 2012.  Be empowered by these words.  May our words continually be edified and may we continue to be bold in our ministries "Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified  beca