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Showing posts from September 2, 2012

Giving with Delight

To the God we serve and delight in... On a daily basis we constantly struggle with the perspective of what it means to forgive and give/serve others.  I realized that when we are actively serving those around us, old friends, new friends, family members, co-workers, ministry partners, volunteers, interns, students, your pastor, the barista that rung up your coffee this morning etc...we tend to live in the illusions of self by bring our baggage from the past.   Some examples:  -I'm experiencing a bad morning, so I don't have to smile as I leave the barista that just rung up my morning cup of coffee.   -I was stuck in traffic this morning and wasn't in the mood, so I didn't  feel like opening the door for the intern with the big pile of papers/books in hand on the way into work. -I haven't heard back from my old high school friend for like 10 years, and they just called in for a favor, why bother responding. -I did not appreciate how my grandparents...