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Showing posts from February 9, 2014

Glowing with Joy

May the glow of the fire in your eyes be like the glow of joy in your hearth, May the warmth of your hearth overflow  like the love that overflows from your hearth.   It's almost Valentine's Day...most of us look at Valentines Day and think about the curse of the western stigmas of "love".  Red ruffled heart shaped pillows with white embroidery, conversation heart candy, chocolate, teddy bears, and flowers. BUT....Honestly, when we are receivers of these gifts and feels so good.  The feeling of so much happiness and love, the simplicity of how love does.  A kind of love that brings us great joy from connections with that person that was so willing to give.  That joy and love captivates us.   For much of our population Valentine's Day draws out quite a skeptical and quite jealous, prideful, hurt filled heart, filled with pain, pity, sorrow, sadness, anger, and  a feeling of overwhelmed consumerism and materialism. ...