I went to a private elementary school, where every year we had reciting competitions and spelling bees for ACSI. (Associated Christian School International). So to practice we had competitions within school to practice and see who would be selected to go to the ACSI event. I was so shy when I was a kid. I was the kid that stood and clung by the T.A.s and close friends. I didn't have social skills, nor did I like standing on stage to recite poetry, Bible verses, or spell words. But since I was a good student, I was always selected to try. And, I think my teachers wanted to encourage me to break out of my shell of quietness. Of course my shyness took over, so I never got chosen to go to ACSI. (whew). But I remember really admiring the materiel that was given to memorize
I was asked to participate in the poetry reciting competition at school. We could choose a long traditional ode from famous American Poets or Bible Verses. When your a kid, they seem listless awfully long. I remember I tried to choose the shortest possible. It was a bible verse from Psalms. Being that it was so short, it was also extremely difficult to remember because of the words and prose. (I guess the pairs and how it is versed.) Honestly, I barely remember the day that I recited the poem. I remember borrowing my best friends dress bc I didn't fit anything I had, and I remember her trying to encourage me while we were in the restroom changing. I remember barely making it through. But I did.
For many years, I completely forgot what I had memorized. I even forgot the reference. In college as a small group leader I wanted to share that moment about purpose, reason, confidence, and self-esteem. I tried to jog my memory, but I couldn't, frustrated and anxious, I read the entire book of Psalms in order to find it.
This past week at church I heard it again, and was reminded of the reference. May this LAST CHAPTER OF PSALMS bring you joy. Lesson learned, just check the first chapter and last chapter first. j/k. It was a blessing to read through all of Psalms. When we seek to praise him He is blessed by our hearts desire to be aware of Him.
May this verse help you give praise to the Lord in this holiday season filled with Spirit. May we walk in to Advant with a fullness of praise memories of His goodness and faithfulness. May our shield of faith shine with praise and joy in songs and thanksgiving as we celebrate his birth.
Psalms 150
Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpets,
praise him with the harp and lyre.
praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.
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